
Posts tagged Parade Farming
Whaddup, pigs?

Next time you come, we'll take you squirrel hunting — wildfires singed the mountain rims surrounding the town — Everyone's got a grow operation of some sort on their property — Keating grows pigs right now — dusty-tan and full of prickles and burrs — It's an El Niño year after all — prime acorn territory, and a dream summer home for the pigs — it feels almost like Oregon, lush and moist, even in the absence of rain — 12- to 15-foot marijuana plants barely concealed by camouflage-colored tarp walls — a fast money-maker that will likely self-destruct when pot becomes legal — he flips a switch and scares the shit out of whatever's creeping onto the land — plans for carnitas — there's a story about a real life Noah Cross figure in Hayfork, who controls the water, the mill, the gas, the town.

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